Saturday 5 January 2013

Task 4C: Development of Questions

After my initial questions I spoke with a senior colleague about my Inquiry. We discussed the questions that I had raised initially. I was clear that I wanted this to be a comparative study of behaviour management between a practical class environment and a normal classroom environment. What this discussion was able to help me consider was WHY I wanted to look at this particular aspect of my practice. From this I established that it would have the following benefits.

-       For me personally, I would be able to look at my own behaviour management within both environments. This would provide short and long term benefits for me within my profession. In the short term I would be able to reflect on the effectiveness of my existing behaviour management policies, both positive and negative. This could also lead to me seeing how different methods of behaviour management would translate between practical and classroom environment, helping my overall teaching in the long term
-       In relation to my colleagues, such a study could help to shape behavioural strategies which could lead to more subject areas looking to develop interactive practical ideas into their lessons without the fear of a chaotic, unproductive environment.

Once establishing why I wanted to follow this line of inquiry we looked to improve my existing questions in order to gain more specific answers towards my line of inquiry. After a lengthy discussion we were able to agree on the following set of questions:

1. Do you teach in 

a) Practical classroom environment
b) Non-practical classroom environment
c) Both

2. How do you think Behavior Management Strategies differ between practical and classroom environments?

3. Do you feel there is any use in translating one to the other?

4. What would you say are the most common types of behavioral issues within your subject area?

5. Do you feel that there is a greater tolerance in terms of behavioral expectations in a Drama class?

6. Should there be?

7. How do you feel students perceive this?

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